Thursday, December 13, 2007


Borrow money and buy useless shit to save our fake economy say world banks
Bali climate conferece a waste of time say extinct species and dead forests
algerian bombers have links to al quaeda or the cia /mossad or walt disney
In the uk gordon brown signs EU treaty and police moan about wages of fascism

hello excess lifeforms welcome to the fkin news Im smartly dressed here are tonights headlies

Up to $110bn in loans will be made available to world money markets by central banks including the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve, to ease the credit crunch in inter bank lending. Central banks are worried that if banks have trouble getting credit, they will raise rates for customers, bringing spending among indebted populations to a standstill. hahah thats how fake and fragile this whole paper money economy is, you must borrow money and buy useless shit or its fucked. we asked top economist and member of one of the worlds wealthy banking families to explain the cash injection, In an exclusive interview with fkn newz he didnt say...You see you have to borrow money of us and buy the crap made in factories we lent money to build or were fucked., we must encourage more debt and therefore more spending before the snake eating its tale gets to its head. The whole facade of this debt making machine will come falling down around our ears if we cant get the debt slaves , er I mean consumers to consume. Imagine a group of casinos full of gamblers, our business is to ensure a supply of worthless plastic chips to these poor saps so they can continue losing theire lives to us , if the landless peasants er i mean customers of the casinos have no plastic chips , they cant lose and owe their life to the mob , I mean make money for the casino. In a way they only exist because we need losers er I mean consumers to play the games , other wise we might as well kil you all , er I mean shut down the casinos. If people are stupid enough to accept bits of paper as money instead of precious metals they deserve to be ripped off ,were only doing what comes naturally, exploiting the weak and poorly educated for our own gain , whats wrong with that , its all perfectly legal were legitimate business men...A non existant spokesperson for an organisation that doesnt exist said this in response to the bankers cash injection,...your were all fucked a long time ago , dont waste time worrying about the future and how things might go badly wrong , your allready economic slaves in earth plc, none of you have anything of real value , no silver, no gold , no right to land, hahaha, the shit hit the fan a long time ago for most of you and your still worrying about interest rates hahahahah, wake up and smell the tyrrany your pockets are full of paper and your minds are full of lies , now fuk off bak to work and be afriad of economic uncertainty and immigration
EU ministers are threatening to boycott a US-led climate summit next month over the Bush administration's opposition to firm cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.The row comes during the penultimate day of UN climate talks in Bali, where progress on outstanding issues is slow. what a crock of bullshit what a giant smokscreen of lies and corporate propaganda greenhouse emmissions arnt the problem deforestation is the problem , consumerism is the problem , material ism is the problem, business is the problem ,Oh deek your just to radical , dont you know we can change, we can still go on destroying the world, we just have to do it slowly didnt you know that deek huh,, According to 400 biologists from all over the wordl , were currently in a human-caused mass extinction, known as the Holocene extinction event.In a survey conducted by New York's American Museum of Natural History, 70 percent of them believe that up to 20 percent of all,, living populations would become extinct within 30 years . Biologist E. O. Wilson estimated in 2002 that if current rates of human destruction of the biosphere continue, one-half of all species of life on earth will be extinct in 100 years. More significantly the rate of species extinctions at present is estimated at 100 to 1000 times "background" or average extinction rates in the evolutionary time scale of planet Earth; moreover, this current rate of extinction is thus 10 to 100 times greater than any of the prior mass extinction events in the history of the Earth.
If you think any of that information was part of the Bali conference on climate fucking er I mean change, send a stamped adressed envelope to , I believe recyling my pizza boxes will save the earth, at how can we continue to fuk the planet over for a buk , so the super rich can have more money..

The two bombings in Algiers on Tuesday killed at least 11 UN employees. It appears UN offices were deliberately targeted.. Islamist group, the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), claimed responsibility for the attack and re-branded itself as "al-Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb", this training video shows radical muslim extremists ability to march , jump, and climb over things,skills which were no doubt put to use in this latest deadly attack , The UN in algeria did not make this statement after the bombings..The CIA have never blown things up or given money to people to blow things up in order to create tensions ,exploit division , further their own political ends or just plain kill people . Mossad has no interest in portraying muslims a voilent killers , and anti western terrorists. The Intelligence agencies of America and Israel would never dream of inventing acts of terror or perpetrating them to ensure they get a bigger budget and more controll over natioanl insecurity. It is very likely that all sophisticated terror cells are organised and coordinated by crazy religious fanatics , living in a dusty cave somewhere, armed with a couple of walky talkies a laptop and a mobile phone. The billion dollar budgets of Mossad and the CIA cannot hope to compete with theese wily skilfull opponents and there unllimited supply of headscarfs and rusty kalshnikovs...

In the UK gordon brown flies off to lisbon to sign the latest in a long line of european treaties without voters having any say at all, before leaving he did not say , If we let the peopl ehave a say in important decisions like this , business wouldnt get such a good deal , now fuk off and and pay yer debts while I sell you all down the river to a bunch of plutocrats with suits on hahah. In a totally unrelated story police in britian are unhappy about their recent wage settlement , a spokes person for the police federaion did not say ..If the governement want us to be the fascist arm of a police state theyll have to give us more money, to carry out their thuggish tax extracting slavewhipping orders. or well sort them out na what i mean.
In scotland controversy rages over donald trumps plans to buils a luxury golf development on a stretch of unspoild scottish coastline , his first application having been rejected ,the scottish parliament is now considering the plans. Ministers for inward investment did not say ..fuk off donald we dont want you r nillions of dollars of investment and backhanders, or a luxury home on the edge of the course if we help you out wink
now the weather..low clouds of fear and loathing settleing over the entire planet ..

Friday, December 7, 2007

War On Freedom Kicks Americas Ass

The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act:

"Political language has to consist largely of euphemisms ... and sheer cloudy vagueness."
- George Orwell

H.R 1955: the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 recently passed by the House
"AN ACT - To prevent homegrown terrorism, and for other purposes." Scary Shit.....

War on freedom going better than expected, say evil fascist rulers of earth
New intelligence on Iran says “we dont know whether to attack them or not”
In the UK Interest cut boosts seasonal greed debt and chinese profits

hello landless debt slaves, welcome to the fukin news, Im water cooled here are tonights top stories.

The war on freedom has achieved a serious of remarkable victories over a population of sleepwalking zombie sheep . Perhaps the greatest victory of all has been the destruction of liberty in America...For 2 hundred years the united states stood as a beacon of freedom for the world to aspire to and compare with their own illigitinmate rule by despots, royals, generals, huntas and other representatives of the few wealthy bankers who rule over us with no trouble at all...Well Not any more , nope the people of America are now well and trully owned, first their finaces were taken over by the wealthy bankers using the federal reserve act in 1913, then their industry was taken over by the military indusrial complex when they were hoodwinked into the second wwar, shortly after the war their government was overcome by outside influence (Im not saying its da jews but oi vay it aint da tibetans), military and intelligence operations began and continue to this day to create enlarge and protect any fascist state that supports their rule. Then came 9/11 the biggest lie in moderrn history enabling the evil bankers of earth to strip the America people of its freedom in the name of national insecurity Now the final frontier of liberty in the land of the free is under assault ..Your mind,,, thats right , Not content with enslaving and endebting america with the biggest deficit in history , not satified with total controll of the media , the government , the army , the police .Now they must stop the few who have an operating brain. .All of them must be the final solution - H.R 1955: the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 ..AN ACT - To prevent homegrown terrorism, and for other purposes. Other purposes WTF are they may well ask,,These “other purposes” strangley enough also appear in the federal reseve act “ to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States, and for other purposes.”Any ways these .other purposes are the nails in the coffin of your right to protest or dissent in corporate america.If this act passes into law , all protest ers will be teroorists , all demonstrations will be by violent radicals , any attempt to change the minds of others or promote a different point of view will make you a radicalizer..The idea of freedom fighters , justifiable resistance, freedom of speech will be history.. and as President Bush said recently There are no mandelas, mandela is dead..he may have been talking about Iraq but the same will be true in the USA no one will be a protestor, or the resistance, or freedom fighters all disent ers will be teroriss terrorists..shipped off to fema camps for re orientation, fox news will tell the sheeple - they were planning acts of terror - the sheeple will let it happen as long as they can eat cheerios and watch the nfl.. If I might add on a personal note before your freedoms are gone forever , do you think some of you might consider rising up in a popular -but entirely peacfull-revolution, free from the use of force or radical thought and action ,absent of attempts to affect political or social change and stop these evil fukkers , because after your gone , were next , cmon people big brother isnt watching you hes kicking your ass,,hes pinned you down and your out on the count of 3 god bless the united states of fascism , long live ze 4th riech, rant fink.
In a related story The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran this week concluded that Iran probably did once have a plan to develop a nuclear bomb but halted this in 2003 and had not restarted by mid-2007. There was an important proviso: "We do not know whether it currently intends to develop nuclear weapons." was that an intelligence report Im confused beacause it seemed to be saying “we dont know” gee I could write that report ,Heres some other things We dont know,we dont know , if Bush is tsill a coke snorting drunk , we dont know if his familly are still nazi sypathisers, we dont know if Israel infiltrated so much of the american government that it might as well raise its flag over the whitehouse, we dont know if pakistans very real nuclear arsenal will be taken over by nutty religious fanatics, who will launch a salvo of nuewks at the west confident that when they die in the inevitable newclear respobse, allah and 72 virgins will be waiting for them in the after life. , we dont know if the royal family of britain are shape shifting aliens breeding humans for their brain sucking relatives , we dont know if diana was pregnant if dodi had proposed or if trevor reece jones , the suviving bodygaurd lost his memory or just doesnyt want to tell us what he knows , we dont know if theres enough matter in the universe to cause gravity to recompress the universe in a big crunch leading to an infinite cycle of being..theres is much we dont know , but lets bomb Iran just in case ..its not like Americas reputation will suffer ahahahah..
In the Uk The bank of england has cut interest rates by .25 of a percent In a clear signal to consumers and other borrowers to get into debt for christmass,
The cut was widely expected and has been celebrated by retailers across the country, some of whom did not say - Its great that the cost of borrowing has gone down , we love it when people borrow money and buy rubbish they dont need , especially at this time of year , Im sure jesus - peace be upoon his theoretical existence - would approve , the whole christmass experience is really a spiritual journey to the shops to buy uneccessary consumer goods made by asian economic slaves , from the pointless desruction of the planet. and isnt that what we all need at tthis ttime of year a shared sense of involvement in the rape of the planet , the opression of a billion chinese people , and the empty consumerism and greed of retail therapy I know I do..In a totally related story Jaqui smith the home secretary abnnounced a compromise deal on government plans to detain terror suspects for up to 42 days without charge after initail plans were opposed by backbenchers, she did not say -The police have informed me that even 42 days isnt enough time to beat confessions out of some people, so Instead of locking them up were just going to kill them, itll be cheaper at the end of the day and whose going to worry about a few less brown people any way..whats really important is that people continue to shop and the economy continues to grow, so we can afford the giant prisons announced by my dept yesterday, into which we can put all the humans not behaving the way we want them to ...thanks now the weather
The planets open for business and the shops are full of shit so why not pop out and consume some stuff you dont need at the expense of people so far away you dont have to give a fuk about them...have a nice weekend..